april qiu cheng


hello! i’m a graduating (!) junior at MIT studying physics. my research interests include cosmology, gravitational-wave astrophysics, and transient phenomena. i’m a 2023 astronaut scholar and a 2023 ligo surf.

in high school, i did the astrophysics olympiad and science olympiad. something i’m still heavily involved in is writing astronomy tests and pedagogical resources for science olympiad. outside of school and research, i think about life, ramble about it sometimes, enjoy playing video games (mostly indie games and VALORANT), and watch a lot of anime.


  1. What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Use and Abuse of Astrophysical Models in Gravitational-wave Population Analyses
    April Qiu Cheng, Michael Zevin, and Salvatore Vitale
    The Astrophysical Journal, Oct 2023